A Labor of Love

The sun is on the horizon, but unlike the suns in those old westerns, it is on the rise. My personal website has taken far too long to become top priority, but alas it is finally here. It is the beginning of something new. A place to catalog my thoughts and projects pertaining to the world wide web. Like any journeyman, I have a lot to learn, practice, and accomplish before becoming a master at my craft, but this is my labor of love.

The intricate complexities of creating an excellent website exhilarate me. From project planning to browser testing, design to development, every phase introduces new challenges and rewards. In the five years I have been dabbling in creating websites, I have learned two valuable things. First, it isn’t always necessary to reinvent the wheel. Draw inspiration from others who have already solved problems similar to those you face. Secondly, being persistent pays off. In this field of work, there are huge intimidating challenges. There will always be difficult navigation structures, puzzling development riddles, or impossible customers, but the reward always comes after completing a project you’re proud of.

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