
Agility Mentions Over Time Report

Mentions Over Time Report

My Responsibilities: HTML, LESS, JavaScript, Highcharts

Agility's mentions over time report tracked the number of mentions a topic received over time. Several complex features required a deep knowledge of the Highcharts API to display the information meaningful way to Agility users.

Agility Social Influencer Report

Social Influencer Widget

My Responsibilities: HTML, LESS, Angular, JavaScript

Agility's social influencer report displays the top twitter influencers for a given topic. This was included on a customizable topic report page.

Agility Contact and Outlet Form

Contact Outlet Modal

My Responsibilities: HTML, LESS, Knockout, JavaScript

Agility's contact and outlet form allows users to add or edit contacts and outlets. The contacts and outlets are either added to their personal contacts or validated and shared as public information on the Agility application. The form had to accept several repeated fields and and allow data to be personal or public.

Agility User Management

User Management Screenshot

My Responsibilities: HTML, LESS, TypeScript, Angular

Agility's User Management page allows Agility's support team to create or edit users. You can assign accounts to users using an auto complete drop down. The username field also had to be enabled/disabled based on whether the page was in edit or create mode. This page works on API calls for pulling and updating the data.

Agility Monitoring Search

Monitoring Search Page

My Responsibilities: HTML, LESS, JavaScript, Knockout

Agility's monitoring search is a tool that enables users to build a sophisticated search to find media about topics, while also providing powerful filters to prevent results that are irrelevant to your intended search out of the results.

Colorado Family Life Center

Colorado Family Life Center Website

My Responsibilities: Design, Front-End Development

Colorado Family Life Center is a non-profit in Aurora, Colorado that helps teen parents raise healthy families. This website brings new clients who are looking for help on search engines. It was also important to provide a site the would generate donations.

Visit Site

PR Newswire Press Release Template

Press Release Template Exampele Wilton

I created the prototype for a very successful press release template for PRNewswire. There were many issues that were creatively problem solved. Content had to be responsive despite also being 100% dynamic.

Implementations of Template:

PR Newswire
Hyundai Sonata
Hyundai Santa Cruz

Beyond Diet Blog

Beyond Diet Blog Website

My Responsibilities: Front-End Development, CMS Development

Beyond Diet's blog, Beyond Beyond Diet, was created as a funnel to bring new customers through the front door. It includes lots of social media interaction to encourages readers to share the content. The blog has been successful, with the most popular blogs receiving hundreds of Facebook likes.

Quincy’s Tavern


My Responsibilites: Front-End Development, CMS Development

Quincy's Tavern was created for a Colorado restaurant that needed a web presence. This responsive website provides a friendly experience to both desktop and mobile users.

Visit Site

Unbalance Coaching

Unbalance Coaching Website

My Responsibilities: Design, Front-End Development, CMS Development, JQuery Development

Unbalance Coaching was created to give two tri-athletes a platform to share their stories and promote their sponsors. With WordPress as part of the solution they can change all content on the site.